When these two beasts meet the match is often unfair..its what most call the African dance..

The Mindset

When these two beasts meet the match is often unfair..its what most call the African dance..its often unmatched with the buffalo almost five times bigger and heavier than the lion and the hard joined formidable horns that form a helmet protecting the head could easily pierce the lion and cripple for life and only if it survives..being in the herd is another advantage as they usually defend each other.

with all these features often the Lion doesn’t stand a chance.. however something peculiar usually happens.. the lion wins!! Moreover  the buffalo should even be expected to win given that the motive behind his fight is direct survival (imminent danger) where as still with lions its the indirect survival (food)..

Now when we dive deep, I have came to find out its mostly not about the size,, and how equipped one is against any fight its about the MINDSET..what image do you picture when facing a challenge? You see when the lions sees the buffalo he sees opportunity ( just not on the table yet) where as when the buffalo sees the lions he pictures DEATH.. it is this image of himself being eaten by the lions that account to his failure.. he becomes paralyses by such negative image that his size and horns don’t help anymore.. on the other hand there is a sudden responsibility to the lion..that if the food is to be on the table he is entirely responsible. (we talked about this on the  previous article where the lioness kept her pride down and dived into the muddy pool). He then goes forth believing that he will win the fight.. instead of seeing the big size buffalo as a danger and  limitation he sees the size as an opportunity to feed himself and his family.. the horns are just a decoration that all I need is to avoid their contact.

The fight begins and the rest of us get entertained without noticing the great lessons here.. by the time we leave the site we had hardly learnt anything but an awareness that there is one less buffalo today in the world and the lion have got their fair share.. back to ourselves.. what are those challenges that intimidate us because of how big they seem or how unqualified we seem in front of them.. I am saying to you today if only you could change the fixed mindset and turn to the growth mindset everything is possible.. from an illness, see that your immunity is being made stronger for the future.. from a financial crisis see that its an opportunity for you to serve more..from a relationship challenge see that the best is yet to come..face the future with courage.. whatever it is face it with a different mind set today.. I am telling you its possible.. face your fears today. if it’s possible for the lions it’s also possible for you and me especially if the lions strength and mindset inspires us….  Again “FACE YOUR FEAR TODAY.” Enjoy and wish you more prosperous encounters.

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The Mindset

When these two beasts meet the match is often unfair..its what most call the African dance..

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